Practo, India’s leading integrated healthcare company, reported a 188% revenue growth in its Annual Letter FY 2021 – 22 with each business segment reporting more than 100% growth. In the last year, we served close to 17 crore patients with the support of 1 lakh+ doctor partners.This includes over 8 crore people from non-metro cities, making up close to 50% of our total patient base. By turning to our digital solutions, our users helped us register massive progress across all our offerings, including 260% growth in online consultation, 240% surge in medicine delivery and diagnostic services and 166% M-o-M growth in our latest offering – Practo Care Surgeries (PCS) – in just six months’ time.

The growth that Practo has witnessed is proof that digital healthcare adoption during the pandemic was not just a ‘pull-forward’. It’s been a marker for potential growth. And Practo with its integrated approach has seen exponential growth with a keen focus on delivering quality care. In keeping with the demand and the evolving needs, Practo also calibrated its approach to meet India’s growing healthcare needs and hired 1,762 new employees last year.

Commenting on the performance, Shashank ND, Co-founder & CEO, Practo said, “We started out 14 years back with one vision to build access to quality healthcare. And since then, we have strongly believed in the impact that Practo can create. In the last two years itself we’ve impacted the lives of over 30 crore people in the country and driven tremendous business value for the entire ecosystem. As we have grown to become a leading integrated healthcare company, we are focussed on building a sustainable business with a close eye on profitability. We are committed to our vision to improve access to quality care for a billion+ people, and will continue to strive long and hard to negotiate the curves and corners and use the challenges that come our way as a springboard to innovate and grow. We are confident that the value we create for the patients and the ecosystem is going to be multifold.”
To know about the detailed annual letter, please refer to the this LINK.