Here at Practo, we are constantly working towards improving healthcare for billions of people across the globe. As we do that, we realised that there are some major healthcare issues within our own country that need to be addressed. India is fast becoming home to major lifestyle diseases. With over 65M cases, India is the diabetes capital of the world and this number is expected to double by 2020. Did you know that The World Health Organisation estimates that a whopping 60% of all preventable deaths in India are due to chronic diseases like cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, chronic lung disorders and more? India struggles to solve this, with our abysmal doctor-patient ratio of just 13.3 physicians per 10,000 people.

The first step to cure all these problems is when a child is born. Timely immunisations are critical for protecting children from serious diseases. Over 2 million children under 5 years of age die in India every year and over 1 million are disabled for life, for lack of immunization. A major reason for this is parents forgetting to get the vaccine on time, as most parents in India do not maintain a vaccine calendar for their child. We understand, that with the fast pace of life, forgetting a vaccination is normal.

With this in mind, we have launched a new version of Practo Ray with specialty specific modules that will significantly improve the healthcare doctors can provide to hundreds of millions of consumers across the globe. These modules have been custom designed with close collaboration with thousands of doctors globally.

Practo Ray for Physicians

Practo Ray Physician EMR helps doctors take chronic care to the next level. Doctors can now prescribe lifestyle advice in one click, using preset templates for all common chronic diseases. This advice then becomes part of the patient’s digital prescription and can be easily emailed, printed out or shared directly into the patient’s secure Practo health account. Regular reminder notifications ensure patients don’t miss their medicine dosage and also follow-up on the treatment advice on time, vastly improving disease management and recovery.

Practo Ray for Paediatricians

Practo Ray Paediatrician EMR uses five automated WHO-standard Growth Charts. It helps the parents to document their child’s growth pattern including length/height-for-age, weight-for-age, weight-for-length, weight-for-height and body mass index-for-age. These records can be stored on the childs’ Practo account and can be accessed, updated and shared with other doctors as and when required.

Practo Ray for Paediatricians also enables the parents to receive automated vaccination reminders – by simply filling in the child’s DOB, the software generates a vaccination schedule for 10 years automatically. This will get recorded on the child’s Practo account, which parents can access to ensure they do not miss on a child’s vaccination date.

Practo Ray for Dentists

Practo Ray Dental EMR allows dentists to stay in control of high-value procedures such as crowns, bridges and dentures, monitor and update the status of lab orders conveniently on a single dashboard, control revenue flow, stay abreast with all the pending lab orders and upcoming procedures, easily schedule appointments with patients depending on the status of their orders and as a result of all of this, the patients’ waiting time is reduced and unwanted visits are eliminated.

Practo Ray’s Dental Charting is a visual documentation tool to map the current dental health of a patient. It helps dental practitioners to easily create a visual documentation of observations, continue using familiar notations with customisable legends and freehand tools, educate patients with visual images,document the current state, monitor the progress and ensure the best care. Consumers can also view the entire procedure, get their digital dental records, dental procedure updates, test reports and prescription details on the Practo app automatically without having to collect it from the clinic or get it via email.

Why Practo Ray for Specialties

With this launch of Practo Ray for Specialties, we will be able to provide better tools to doctors and significantly improve patient care for some of the biggest healthcare issues plaguing our country, including controlling lifestyle diseases and ensuring immunisations for infants and children. Over the next few quarters we will continue to bring focused solutions to more specialties and improve efficiencies for doctors and help them treat more patients more effectively.

We believe this improves an important aspect of the healthcare experience, making this an important milestone in our mission to help people live healthier, longer lives.

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