Amazing! We covered 5 doctors using Practo on their iPad last week (Our Customers Love using Practo on their iPads). Everyone appreciated the post and we got more doctors telling us how Practo rocks on their iPad. Here they are –

1. Dr Manoj Rajan, a practicing dentist in Alwarpet, Chennai uses each and every feature of Practo and is always keen for more. We certainly wont disappoint him.

2. Dr Mistry is a practicing dentist from Kemps Corner, Mumbai has been delighted with the ability to use Practo on his iPad. Would take something really powerful to break that bond.

3. Dr Yashwanth is a practicing dentist in Adyar, Chennai. He has seen quite a few versions of Practo, but I am sure the ability to use it on his iPad would be his pick.

4. Dr Sarina Shah is a practicing dentist at Peddar Road, Mumbai uses Practo only on her iPad. Well thats the best way to use

Thank you users, for taking the time and sharing your experiences with us. We look to cover more doctors using technology to make their practice simpler. Boy, wont patients love that.
