Awesome news folks : Launching our latest feature on Practo today – ‘Analytics’. And going by the initial reactions of our early users of ‘Analytics’, I am sure you will find it valuable. However you find it, make sure you send us know your feedback.

So, here are 6 ways we think the new ‘Analytics’ would help you

1. Month on month growth in terms of number of appointments
2. Get the real ‘Average appointments per day’. Scary, but very useful.
3. Understand if cancelled appointments rate are going Up or Down?
4. What are the most preferred treatments in your center? Expect few surprises.
5. How many appointments are each doctors doing?
6. Too many rescheduling happening? Monitor it and catch the culprits

Please do take a look at your analytics today. Here is a small video which takes you through the product.

Practo Analytics is powered by Fusioncharts.
