That’s right, the wait is over! Ever since we launched the Ray android app, the most wanted question was, ‘Where’s the iPhone version?’

And finally its here! You can now browse through your upcoming appointments and access patient details anytime, anywhere – all from your iPhone!



Reschedule and cancel with ease

“Hello Doctor, Renu here. Could I have my appointment rescheduled to 3 pm?”…One question that adds on to the confusion on skimming through random scribbles and crossed out notes.

But the answer to this is now made ‘QUICK’! Three simple steps and you are done!

Just select your patient. Choose a date and time. Confirm on an Email or SMS notification- and there your appointment has been rescheduled!!

Never thought it’d be this quick and easy, eh?

Follow Up calls in a tap

How about one of those days, when you need to return a patient call that you missed out on?

You end up searching high and low through phone books and scribbled contact numbers on post-it notes. And it just eats into your precious time!!

Enter Practo Ray iOS app. Just click on ‘Patients’ at the right end and type in the patient name.

As simple as that!!

Shoot and Upload photos – then and there

Have you ever scrolled through your patient list, only to find incomplete profiles without a face to connect to?

Often this means sending out reminders asking them to mail in their pictures. And thus the wait never ends. But not any more!

During your next appointment, shoot a picture of your patient. And upload it – right then!!

With that added dose of convenience, the new Practo Ray iOS app is all you need to make your online practice hassle-free.

Practo Ray - Abhinav Lal

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