Today, is a proud day for all of us. The Times of India, the largest English newspaper in the world, along with Glassdoor has featured Practo amongst the top companies to work for.

This is a testament to our values, our vision and our #do-great culture and a great validation of all the efforts put in by every Practeon to make Practo one of the best places to be at.

As part of the survey, they also found that the Practo leadership has 100% approval rating from Practeons. This is humbling for me and the entire leadership team and I thank you all for your love and dedication towards Practo’s mission.

Every day, I am inspired and excited by the amazing feats Practeons achieve. From supporting our customers to building the next game-changing product to launching a new country, the challenges are many. And yet, every day, Practeons overcome them and help make a positive difference in the lives of billions around the world. Want to join us in our journey?

There are very few companies in the world who have the opportunity, the resources and most importantly, an incredibly passionate and talented team to solve a meaningful problem for humanity. I believe Practo is amongst these few companies. I believe this is our time. I believe that together, we Practeons can change the world for the better. It is our destiny.



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